Helpful Cleaning Tips, Tricks and Advice to Ensure Your Airbnb is Guest-Ready

Airbnb cleaning

One of the key aspects of guest satisfaction and comfort in an Airbnb is the cleanliness of the property. Cleaning in-between rentals or getting the place ready for its next guests is something that should be given the appropriate amount of time and attention to ensure that nothing is missed, and the place is spic and span.

We spoke to some professionals who carry out Airbnb cleaning in Essex and put together this helpful guide containing some great tips, tricks and advice that can help streamline and improve your cleaning processes for faster, more consistent and more effective results.

Create a Cleaning Checklist

You might feel like you know what needs cleaning, but when you’re busy running around trying to get everything done, it is very easy to miss something, forget to empty a bin or skip dusting a room by mistake.

A physical paper checklist that you can take with you and tick off as you go is a great way to make sure you can see what needs doing and that nothing gets missed. Think about what works best and break the checklist down by room, for example:

Master bedroom

  • Strip and wash bedding
  • Remake bed
  • Empty bins
  • Dust and polish
  • Clean glass and mirrors
  • Hoover
  • Fabric and carpet spray

It might look like a lot when it’s all laid out but having a comprehensive list to work from is going to make your job easier and the process much quicker and more efficient.

Streamline Your Strategy

There are certain steps that should be prioritised, and doing things in a certain order will ensure that you are able to get a jump on time-consuming tasks and are able to cut down your cleaning time. Here are some examples:

  • Open windows and internal doors to ventilate the property, remove lingering odours and improve the indoor air quality
  • Strip dirty bedding, towels and soft furnishings and put them in the washing machine
  • Clear up clutter or mess so that the home is tidy
  • If there is an area that needs particular attention or a deep clean such as limescale remover left to soak or bleach, then do this at the beginning of the clean

Use the Right Tools and Products

Having the right equipment and supplies will help to make your cleaning routine as successful as possible so be sure to get yourself set up ready and well stocked in key items such as;

  • Vacuum with attachments
  • Mop and bucket
  • Glass cleaner tool
  • Non-toxic cleaning products
  • No scratch sponges
  • Cleaning clothes
  • Kitchen roll and disposable cleaning wipes
  • Polish and duster
  • Rubber gloves
  • Bin bags

Cleaning Rotation

If your Airbnb is regularly used and cleaned, then there are certain tasks that may not need to be carried out every week or before every new guest. However, it’s easy to forget about them and if dirt builds up in these areas, they could affect your ratings.

A good idea is to add one ‘deep’ cleaning task to your routine each time you clean so that you can check them off a little every week or so, without having to do a whole day clean to catch up every few months or so.

This can include things such as

  • Cleaning under the beds
  • Hoovering insider drawers and cupboards
  • Clean appliances such as microwaves, toasters, fridges and ovens
  • Dust blinds, artificial plants and door frames
  • Clean, sweep and wash outside areas
  • Wipe the fronts of the cabinets, skirting and doors
  • Clean light switches, door handles and sockets

Hire a Professional

Having an Airbnb to clean can take up a lot of time, especially if you are busy with work, family and other commitments. Although it might save some money doing the cleaning yourself, it is a big burden and can impact your time and schedule.

A professional cleaning service can work out extremely cost-effective and help to ensure that your Airbnb is spotless and always ready to impress your guests.​

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